Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Burn Bright

Wow!  Is it ever confession time?  I did my workout after skipping several days and it was HARD.  I've got to get better at this!  I'm happy to say, though, that I'm maintaining my weight loss.  I'm trying not to get discouraged because my weight isn't changing (going down) even though I know it's only a number and only one way of measuring success.  

How can I complain when I know I'm not exercising as much or watching my food intake like I was.  It's not bad....I've only had...maybe..2 or 3 sweet teas in several months and absolutely no pop (northern word...in the South everything's a Coke!)

How can I expect things to change if I don't change what I'm doing?  If you (I) expect more results, you (I) need to do more.  If you (I) expect different results, you (I) need to do things differently. 
Simple enough, right?

As far as Proverbs 31, today I reflect on motherhood.  Today, I took a half day off of work to be mom (the kiddos had dental appointments).  We went to eat, to the local bookstore, and ended up at the little league park for ballgames (the first ones that I've been free enough to attend!).  Now, don't get my wrong, I absolutely adore my job and have never desired to be a stay-at-home mom.  (I'm not bashing that, though, because that's a personal call and all us mommies need to stick together!) However, it was nice to be able to spend the majority of my day just being mom.

"Her children arise up, and call her blessed..." ~Proverbs 31: 28

Moms, your kiddos are watching what you do.  It's all well-and-good to tell them what to do and what not to do.  But, you (I) need to live it out each and every day.  You were made to shine, so, burn bright!  Your kiddos are basking in your sunlight.  Even on your cloudiest day, they need to see the YOU that God created you to be. You are great.  So, burn bright!

You might be thinking...How can I burn bright and give it my all when I'm so close to burning out.  Here's some strategies that I've found that work to avoid this I'm-too-tired-too-busy-everyone's-demanding-too-much-of-my-time-burnout:  Ladies, find you a support system...and not just your significant other.  Find some girlfriends.  Find a local church. Make and keep your "me time"...even if it is simply locking yourself in the bathroom to take a bubble bath.... You were made to shine.  No one can do your job better than you.  You cannot be replaced.  Burn bright! Brighter than the sun!

Notes: As you can tell, I absolutely love music!  The songs above, while about burning/bright/sunlight/etc., may not necessarily be about motherhood.  Yes, I realize that.  The first song, by Natalie Grant, is a beautiful, powerful song.  Listen to the lyrics of it and be truly blessed. Allow God to minister to you through Mrs. Grant.  

The second song would not even be considered in the Christian genre (of which all of the songs I've posted have been).  But, I think it's a fun, summer song.  Simple enough.  Nothing deep.  It just makes me smile, and that's okay.  Burn bright, ladies.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Being a Christian wife in this modern world

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loves the church..."

As a Christian woman, I absolutely love this scripture.  My husband should love me as much as Christ, Himself, loves the church?!?! Wow!  Yet, why is it so hard to follow all the other mandates that are written for Christian wives?  Especially in the world we live in?

Perhaps it is because of words like "obey" and "submit", that are written in God's Holy Word .  Once declared in marital vows, the word "obey" has even been taken out of those.  Why?  I can't even tell you if they were in my marital vows.

This is a touchy subject in our modern day world.  In a quest to be independent and equal to men, we have somehow viewed these Godly qualities as degrading.  

I am not perfect, by any means.  I also consider myself independent.  However, in my quest to become more like that Proverbs 31 woman, I want to follow God's guidelines for being a Spiritual wife.

**I will submit (Ephesians 5:22 and 1 Peter 3:1).  

The word, submit, doesn't not mean that I'm inferior.  It means that I will go with him voluntarily. Just as found in the book of Ruth, "Where you go, I will go....where you stay I will stay..."  He will be my confidant, and I, his.  (Side thought: Ephesians 5:22 is a scripture many women struggle with.  Yet, the next ELEVEN scriptures give guidelines for the husband!  Food for thought.)

**I will keep the heart of my husband. He can trust in me.  (Proverbs 31: 11)

**I will do him good, not evil, for all of my life. (Proverbs 31:12)

**I will be reverent to my husband. (Ephesians 5:33)

This is my promise.  Will I be perfect? Well, of course not.  Ask my husband and he will not tell you that he has a perfect wife.  I am stubborn and very opinionated.  I get overly-emotional about mundane things and worry about things that I cannot control.   But, he can tell you that his wife honors him and the God we serve.

Women, be encouraged.  We are not perfect.  But, God is calling us to be just that, in every way possible.  Did you accidentally land on this blog, thinking it would be about fitness?  Yes, fitness is a part of my journey.  But, this is a journey to become a better version of myself, in all aspects of my life.

I know this may not apply to all readers...you may say "I'm single" or may even be a male reader.  God has guidelines for all of us...women, men, single, married...we just have to be willing to obey them.  I only touched on one area and I also realize that this is a touchy area for some...Please be encouraged.  Life can be difficult and God's word is strict, but He is also our Encourager and our Peace.

Are you here just for the fitness?  I'm still at it.  I've decided to go back to journaling to keep track of my water intake, food intake, exercise, and scripture reading.  Today wasn't the best day.  I had a donut this morning, as well as a cupcake and pasta.  But, I did my exercises...even if it was 10:00 at night, after everything else was done.  I write all of this to let you know that I'm just an ordinary woman living an ordinary life.  And, yes, sometimes life gets in the way of life.  But, I'm trying.  I'm trying to be the best me by becoming a better wife, a better mother, and a better me.  I encourage you to stay on this journey with me....

and to start one of your own...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Today's about encouragement

Good morning!  Well, it's morning where I am right now, as I sit and reflect on things.   It's a Saturday morning and today's about encouragement.

I arose before my family and did my morning workout, breakfast outside on the porch, and reading my Bible.

For those of you who have been reading this blog, you may say...well that's nothing new...because many of your posts began that way.  Well, let me tell you a secret.  I've been inconsistent lately.  I would do that a day, but then it would be 2 or 3 or 4 days until I would do it again.  My husband even told me that he thought I might be giving up.  I am not giving up.  So, let me get back to this morning.

As I was sitting outside on my porch (which is something I rarely do, even though I find it adorable with old wooden rocking chairs that were from the same place I had my wedding reception) I was reminded of something that I read on social media.  Here it is:

That's right, I've made mistakes and lately, my progress as been slow.  But, I'm still trying.  I exercise, although currently not daily, but I'm working on it.  I eat healthier.  I had one sweet tea the other day and couldn't finish it!  This comes from a person who liked to have tea with her sugar!  I was also unable to finish a frappe because I thought it was too sweet!


Let's face it.  I'm busy.  Most women are.  (Men are too, but it's a different kind of busy.)  Lately, I've been finalizing my graduate study.  I graduate with my Master's degree soon.  So, my free time isn't free; it's just time I use to work on something else.  

So, if you're like me, there are days in which you wear so many hats that you think they'll come tumbling down.  It's like that act in which they are spinning plates.  Some days, I have so many hats that I feel like the peddler in the kid's book, Hats for Sale.   From someone who considers herself fairly good at multitasking, please don't give up.  What you're do is already way ahead of those who aren't even trying!

The same goes for your Spiritual walk.  Yes, I pray every day.  Are they the best, most "religious" prayers? No.  My prayer is usually a conversation with God, like I would with you.  Some days, He talks back.  Some days, He just listens.  But, the point is, is that I have those conversations and I know He's there.

I do continue to read my Bible.  Has it been every day?  Unfortunately, like the exercise thing, no. But, I am making an effort.  Are you Christian?  Do you read and pray every day?  Yes, this is what the Bible commands.  Yet, if you're like me, and you can say no, I encourage you to not give up in this endeavor either.  What you're doing is more than someone who is not trying.  And, I personally believe that God knows where your heart lies and will honor your effort.  Do we all get "A's for effort"?  Well, of course not.  But, no one ever earns anything by standing still.  "No, we won't stand still!"

And, one last bit of encouragement.  One reason for starting this blog and journey to a better me was that it was inspired by my Mamaw.  Well, lately, I've been missing her.  This was the closest person to me that I've ever lost.  Even though, I know she's in a better place, it doesn't change the hurt.  So, in my morning Bible reading, I stumbled across these words (don't you just love it when God does that?) and these are in red, so that's the important Jesus-speaking stuff.  If you're hurt, confused, heartbroken, or discouraged, listen to what Jesus has to say only shortly before He is crucified:

"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." ~John 14:18

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." ~John 14:27

Friday, April 3, 2015

It's a good Friday

Good morning!  It's a good Friday.  As I wake up today, it's gloomy, dark, and raining outside.  But, it's a good Friday.    I can't help thinking that this is what the original Good Friday was like so many years ago.

On that Good Friday, Christ Jesus sacrificed Himself for our sins.  He, who had not sinned and was Perfect, made the Ultimate Sacrifice.  I've often wondered why we call it good Friday.  I'm sure there's a reason because everything has a reason.  (As logical as I am sometimes, you'd think I'd favor science over faith....but, I don't.)  

As Jesus walked on Earth during His approximate 33 years, I've also often wondered how could they kill Him?  But, no one killed Him.  He gave Himself for us.  By His stripes, we are healed.  By His sacrifice for our sins, we are saved!

So, on this Good Friday, it is a good Friday because this is the day we remember the Crucifixion. When Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross, the world became dark, much like today, both figuratively and literally.  But, light is coming on Resurrection Sunday!

So, it's been several days since I ended my Advocare 24 day challenge.  I'm sure you're wondering how I'm maintaining.  The only Advocare product I kept was the Spark, which is the drink that gives caffeine without sugar.  Yes, in over 30 days, I've had no soda pop or sweet tea!!

I've continued to do my workout.  Not every day, but not giving up either.  My husband bought me the Refit Revolution DVD.  Yesterday, I did all 12 songs.  Today, I only did 6.  I also do my strength training exercises (weights, planks, sit-ups/scrunches).  On average, I do about 9 songs cardio and about 10-15 minutes of strength training. 

I've maintained my weight loss; even a little more, I guess, because my total weight loss is a little over 10 lbs.  I read that women need to stop looking at weight and the weight of others.  This isn't about weight loss.  This isn't about beauty or sex appeal, either.  It's about a healthier, better me. Weight loss is only one way of measuring success and the physical attributes are only one part of what makes me, me.  As a mommy, my daughter watches what I do. Yes, she watches when I weigh in or workout.  But, she also watches when I read my Bible and lay on my back, worshiping God.  

And, what about food?  The key is moderation and the ability to say no.  I've still tried to make healthier choices.  But, I've also had ice cream and cheesecake (not on the same day).  To me, being healthy doesn't mean being unrealistic.  I love sweets and bread.  I'm not going to live the rest of my life without them.  I now know that I could, but I don't want to.   But, I'm not going to eat them every day, every meal.

I hope you and yours have a blessed Easter weekend.  Remember, He is the Reason for this Season, too!  God bless.