How can I complain when I know I'm not exercising as much or watching my food intake like I was. It's not bad....I've only had...maybe..2 or 3 sweet teas in several months and absolutely no pop (northern the South everything's a Coke!)
How can I expect things to change if I don't change what I'm doing? If you (I) expect more results, you (I) need to do more. If you (I) expect different results, you (I) need to do things differently.
Simple enough, right?
As far as Proverbs 31, today I reflect on motherhood. Today, I took a half day off of work to be mom (the kiddos had dental appointments). We went to eat, to the local bookstore, and ended up at the little league park for ballgames (the first ones that I've been free enough to attend!). Now, don't get my wrong, I absolutely adore my job and have never desired to be a stay-at-home mom. (I'm not bashing that, though, because that's a personal call and all us mommies need to stick together!) However, it was nice to be able to spend the majority of my day just being mom.
"Her children arise up, and call her blessed..." ~Proverbs 31: 28
Moms, your kiddos are watching what you do. It's all well-and-good to tell them what to do and what not to do. But, you (I) need to live it out each and every day. You were made to shine, so, burn bright! Your kiddos are basking in your sunlight. Even on your cloudiest day, they need to see the YOU that God created you to be. You are great. So, burn bright!
You might be thinking...How can I burn bright and give it my all when I'm so close to burning out. Here's some strategies that I've found that work to avoid this I'm-too-tired-too-busy-everyone's-demanding-too-much-of-my-time-burnout: Ladies, find you a support system...and not just your significant other. Find some girlfriends. Find a local church. Make and keep your "me time"...even if it is simply locking yourself in the bathroom to take a bubble bath.... You were made to shine. No one can do your job better than you. You cannot be replaced. Burn bright! Brighter than the sun!
Notes: As you can tell, I absolutely love music! The songs above, while about burning/bright/sunlight/etc., may not necessarily be about motherhood. Yes, I realize that. The first song, by Natalie Grant, is a beautiful, powerful song. Listen to the lyrics of it and be truly blessed. Allow God to minister to you through Mrs. Grant.
The second song would not even be considered in the Christian genre (of which all of the songs I've posted have been). But, I think it's a fun, summer song. Simple enough. Nothing deep. It just makes me smile, and that's okay. Burn bright, ladies.