Saturday, October 17, 2015


"Go, Mommy, Go! Don't give up!"

This is what I heard from my six year old, who was laying on the bed watching tv while I worked out.  I didn't realize he was paying attention.  But, he was.

In the journey to health and fitness, others may be watching.  Those who say, "I don't exercise."  Well, they are watching too.  And, while my journey may include whole foods, exercise, vitamins, and energy drinks, it also includes my Bible, a devotional, a journal, and prayer time.  I hope that those watching can see that too!

You see, God does call us to take care of our bodies, as well as our spirits.  Our body is the home that God has given us to live in temporarily until He calls us home.  A healthier, active body is a body that is better prepared to fulfill the Great Commission:  "Go and teach all the nations" (Matt. 28:19).  Did you see that word?  Most of us focus on the word "all" and then line up a list of excuses:  God, how can I reach all?

But, that's not the focus!!  The focus is "Go!"

Get up!  Go!  God never promised anything would be easy!  In fact, He pretty much said the opposite.  Things like "burdens" or "cross to bear" or "persecution" hinder us!!  But, God calls us!  God has chosen us!  Now is the time for us to MOVE where He has called us to be! 

Are you ready?  Are you ready to get in an hour of cardio?  Run that mile? Maybe just start eating healthier?  Read your Bible more?  Reach your personal milestone? Are you ready to be the best you, so you can be the best for Him?  Take the challenge and take it one step at a time!  One day at a time!  I encourage you to get stronger physically AND spiritually!


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


This morning, on my way to work, I saw the clouds.  I mean, I really saw the clouds as what they are--a masterpiece created by God, Himself.

It was in that simple, small moment that I realized I'd faultered.  The Bible speaks of a "slow fade" into sin.  Was I a sinner? Well, of course, for all sin daily and repent daily.  In the book of Song of Solomon, it states that it's the foxes that spoil the vineyard, meaning that it's the small things that will ruin something.  

I'd grown "too busy" and indifferent.  I was just living life and life was good.  But, I wasn't at the heart of who I am in God, of who I am in Christ Jesus.  

Moreover, I'd gained some of my weight back.  I wasn't eating as healthy.  Even on the verge of beginning my first exercise class as an instructor, I seemed to have lost my enthusiasm.

My family life-great.  My work life-great.   But, while looking at those clouds, I realized that I had taken my eyes off of the Son!

Reader, maybe you've gone into a slump like I was!  Hebrews 6:12 warns us not to be lazy in the ways of the Lord, but to have faith and patience and lay hold on the promises of the Lord.  

When lost at sea, He is our Compass.  When drowning in life's <fill in the blank here>, He is our Life Savor.  When tossing to and fro, He is our Anchor!

Yesterday, my family decided to get back on track with our healthy eating.  Today, I am getting back on track with the path that God is leading me through. And, my prayers are that you, my dear reader, will also always be able to find your way home to Him.

Love and prayers,