At the end of this first stage of my challenge, I've been reflecting on that Proverbs 31 woman. Being raised in church, I know that so many women's ministries, women's conferences, and women--in general--hold the Proverbs 31 woman to be the perfect example. I know I do.
Yet, as I think upon my imperfections, I think about her. Who was she really? Was that her reality every day? Every day, her husband praised her? Every day, her children called her blessed? Every day, she was the epitome of kindness? Every day, she took care of the poor? Every day, she worked and gave it her ALL?
All you and I can do is take the Bible for what it is. The truly inspired Word of God.
But, if you're like me, you're human. You are perfectly flawed; yet, created in His Image. You are perfectly imperfect, made perfect and completed--not by what you do or who you are or who you're in a relationship with--but made perfect only through Christ Jesus.
So, maybe you're not the Proverbs 31 woman. Maybe you're the woman at the well, who has done so much wrong that she thinks she's not worthy of Christ or anything. Maybe you're Martha and too busy taking care of things to sit at Jesus' feet. (This is where I am on more days that I should be!) Maybe you're Sarah and want to solve the problems and not wait on God. (I've been there too!) Maybe you're Job's wife and just want to give up. Hold on. There is hope.
Like you, I strive to be the Proverbs 31 woman. But, I strive, even more, to be like Christ.
"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ." ~Philippians 3:8 NLT
In this journey to be like the Proverbs 31 woman and to become a better me, I've realized my shortcomings and my flaws. We all do this, but it seems that women sometimes do this more. This is not a stereotype, but an observation from living the life I've led. I didn't exercise every day. I didn't read my Bible every day. I didn't blog every day. There were days that I even missed church services. I'm not perfect. At the end of the day, all my imperfections make me who I am. They make you who are. Is your laundry not finished? (Is it ever?) Is your baby crying and you sometimes just want to cry with him(her)? Maybe you said unkind words, simply out of tiredness? It happens. We--women (and men!)--are not perfect. But you can be made perfect. You can be covered in salvation. Are you ready? Lord, I'm ready now!
God, in Heaven, I pray for these women and men who have taken just a moment out of their day, to show interest in mine. Maybe they are reading this to see what my weight loss is. Maybe they are my family and just showing support for me. But, God, You have called me to share this journey with others so that I may share You and Your Grace. God touch them. Help them to realize that they are not perfect, but that they don't have to be. Your Grace is sufficient for all. Meet them where they are. Comfort them. Help them to be ready to accept You as Lord and Savior, as You accept their imperfect selves. We thank You for all that You do, but more importantly all that You are. You are our everything. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
And, for those who are helping me monitor my progress. My total weight loss in 24 days is 9.4 lbs and 9 1/2 inches. Do I feel amazing every day? No. But, I feel confident in who I am. I've realized I need to spend more time for me (and that's okay!) and more time with Him. Advocare is over but this journey is not over. Stay blogged in. I have a plan for my future self...