Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 18

Hi all!  It's been a few days since I've been able to post.  It's not because I've stopped working on my faith and fitness.  It's just because life happens. 

Today makes day 18 of the Advocare 24 day challenge and my own challenge to myself to become a Proverbs 31 woman in the best way possible, which started as a tribute to my Mamaw.  Today, I was with my granddaddy when he was talking to someone about her.  I had to look away because I didn't want to let him know I still cry over her. 

That brings me to my Bible reading today.   Today I read 1 Sam 21 and John 11:1-44.  In John, I'm to the part where Lazarus has died.  This is the only time in the Bible (to my knowledge) that it mentions Jesus, Himself, crying.  I believe God wrote this story down to encourage us to believe in miracles.  Verse 15 says:

"And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe;
nevertheless let us go unto him."

Jesus loved Lazarus so much that He mourned for him.  Yet, here He tells the disciples that he's glad he wasn't there.  If Jesus was there when Lazarus was sick, He could have healed him.  But, he wanted the disciples to believe that He is the Resurrection. 

As Jesus goes to Lazarus, Martha basically says, "You're late.  If you'd been here, he wouldn't have died".  Now, we all know that He's an on-time God, so just hold on.  Later in the chapter, Mary says the same thing, "If you'd have been here, Lazarus would be alive".  And, a third time, Martha says, "he's already been dead 4 days!" 

Jesus was on time.  You see He raised Lazarus.  He, Himself, conquered the grave at the Cross.  Believers will once again be Resurrected into a Heavenly Jubilee one day.  Ready to get your worship on?

My prayer for you:  God, our Father, we know that you are an on-time God.  We know that You are Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.  You are Jehovah Shalom, our Peace and Jehovah Rapha, our Healer.  You are Jehovah Shammah, our ever-present help in time of need.  God, I know so many that are in need right now.  They've heard bad news at the doctor.  They've heard bad news in their professional lives.  They've heard bad news in their personal lives.  God, only You know what we need and have the power to surpass any bad news that we may hear.  God, strengthen us.  Strengthen those that need help, guidance, healing, and wisdom to make decisions when times are hard.  You said You won't leave us or forsake us.  God, we ask that you confirm your presence in our lives so when that bad news comes, we all can say, "God, this is rough, but I know You've got this".  We thank You for all you've done.  We thank You for sending Your Son that gives us hope for the future through Salvation.  Most of all, we thank You for who You are.  in Jesus' mighty Name we pray, Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast--Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake
Lunch--Chicken sub on wheat bread
Dinner--Venison meatballs with roasted cauliflower
Snacks--Sunchips (these chips have the best ingredients I've found), pear, apples with all-natural peanut butter, and kiwi (3 snacks per day)

I wanted to get all the Bible reading and exercise done in the morning, as is mentioned in Proverbs 31..when it talks about the woman rising early.  Yet, today, I was sick.  I didn't go to work, slept until 9, and ended up going to the doctor.  (All is well--just an allergic reaction that required a shot).  

That being said, I ended up doing my work out at night--about 10:00 to be exact.  I did weights, scrunches, planks, and 7 (yes, 7!!!!) Refit songs from my Playlist!!  Afterwards, I played a worship song and laid on the floor, just praising God.  It wasn't that bad to be so late in the evening.  Here's what I posted on my Facebook page after taking my first-ever post-workout picture.  Isn't that the thing to do on social media?

"Not-so-beautiful, post-Refit photo.  But, it's not about beauty.  It's about fitness and faith.
10:00...I should be in bed...Yet, I missed my workout this morning, because I was sick.
Carpe Diem.  Today's the day to change your life!"

P.S.  I really mean what I say about it not being a beauty-thing.  I've never been into beauty or fashion.  But, because I wanted this process to be the purest, best form of myself, I even didn't wear make-up for the first 10-11 days of the challenge.  I don't wear a lot of make-up anyway, so I think only my daughter noticed.  

Be you.  Be beautiful as God created you.  He created You in His image.  You're body is a temple.  Why not take care of it?  You're every bit of lovely.

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