Friday, April 8, 2016

She is clothed in strength

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and she can laugh without fear of the future"
~Proverbs 31:25

I started teaching fitness classes this week.  Fitness classes + eating healthier = a stronger, better me.    Within the last 3 weeks, I'd say I am down about 5 pounds.  Within the last week alone, I logged in about 5 1/2 hours of fitness and workout time, Monday through Friday alone.

So, picture this.  I am, not only feeling healthy, but feeling strong.  Dressed in workout clothes, for some strange reason,  I decide to do my weekly grocery shopping first.  Not wanting to change, because I know I'll do a workout when I return, I wear my workout gear to the grocery store.  So, picture me:  no makeup (I wear very little anyway), cap, workout clothes, high-tops, and my Love and the Outcome's "He is with us" off-the-shoulder sweater.  Yeah, I'm totally rocking the mid-thirties mom look.  And, I'm feeling good and strong.  Not to mention, I hear some of my REFIT® songs on the radio and I am totally jamming. 

That is, until I pass the funeral home.  The same funeral home that took such great care of my grandmother a year and a half ago.  And, I'm talking, immediate tears.  I remember her final week.  I remember her voice.  I remember how much I miss her.

Then, almost immediately, I hear a song on the radio, speaking about how strength doesn't come from this Earth, but comes from the Lord.  So, while I may feel stronger, I realize that my strength doesn't come from how many hours I workout or how well I take care of my body, even though all of those things are important.  My strength is found Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him as my Savior.

The Proverbs 31 woman...yes, she was strong and she took care of the things that were hers to take care of on this world.   But, I'm pretty sure that she realized where her strength came from too.  That, alone, is why she was able to laugh without fear of the future.  She knew who held her future.

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